• reduction of the land price according to the groups of priority activities in which the investor is engaged
  • reduction of the land price according to the construction time
  • reduction of the land price according to the number of new employees, i.e., maintaining the existing number of employees
  • reduction of the land price for export-oriented investors
  • reduction of the land price for investors relocating the company to the Entrepreneurial Zone “IT Park”

Investors receive reliefs through the Incentive and Relief Program for the Entrepreneurial Zone “IT Park” (Official Gazette of the City of Osijek No. 22/18 and 8/19).


Building right

1.1 Measure – contract on the establishment of building rights

1.1.1 Establishment of building rights for a period of 50 years


2.1 Measure – purchase after using 1.1 measures with the reduction of the price of building land according to the groups of priority activities that investors are engaged in:

2.1.1 Reduced prices of building land by 30% for the investors from Group 1 of priority activities

2.1.2 Reduced prices of building land by 20% for the investors from Group 2 of priority activities

2.1.3 Reduced prices of building land by 10% for the investors from Group 3 of priority activities

Domestic and foreign legal and natural persons shall be entitled to the incentives and reliefs provided by this Program if, according to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics which maintains the Register of Business Entities pursuant to the National Classification of Activities Act (OG 98/94), the Decision on the National Classification of Activities 2007 – NKD 2007 (OG, No. 58/07 and 72/07), and the Ordinance on the Classification of Business Entities pursuant to the National Classification of Activities 2007 – NKD 2007 (OG, No. 55/16 and 35/18), they are registered to perform the following priority activities:

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
62.01 Computer programming 26.11 Manufacture of electronic components 58.21 Publishing of computer games
62.02 Computer consultancy activities 26.12 Manufacture of loaded electronic boards 58.29 Other software publishing
62.03 Computer facilities management activities 26.20 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmen 63.11 Data processing, hosting and related activities
62.09 Other information technology and computer service activities 26.30 Manufacture of communication equipment
72.19 Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

2.2. Measure – purchase after using 1.1 measures with the reduction of the price of building land according to the time of construction of economic facilities:

2.2.1 Reduced prices of building land by 40% if the economic facility was built before the expiration of 24 months from the conclusion of the building right agreement

2.2.2 Reduced prices of building land by 20% if the economic facility was built before the expiration of 36 months from the conclusion of the building right agreement

2.3 Measure – purchase after using 1.1 measures with the reduction of the price of building land according to the number of new employees, i.e., maintaining the existing number of employees:

An investor who increases the number of employees in the IT Park from the moment of signing the contract on establishing the building right until the moment of signing the building land purchase agreement, i.e., maintains the existing number of employees, shall be entitled to a building price reduction when buying building land:

2.3.1 Reduction of the price of building land by 60% for increasing the number of employees by more than 20 new employees

2.3.2 Reduction of the price of building land by 50% for increasing the number of employees from 15 to 19 new employees

2.3.3 Reduction of the price of building land by 40% for increasing the number of employees from 10 to 14 new employees

2.3.4 Reduction of the price of building land by 30% for increasing the number of employees from 5 to 9 new employees

2.3.5 Reduction of the price of building land by 20% for increasing the number of employees from 1 to 4 new employees

2.3.6 Reduction of the price of building land by 10% in case of retaining the existing number of employees

and the purchase price of building land shall be reduced by that amount.

The starting value is the number of employees based on working hours in the year of signing the contract on the establishment of the building right, or the number of employees based on working hours in the year of signing the purchase agreement.

2.4. Measure – purchase after using 1.1 measures with the reduction of the price of building land for export-oriented investors

Investors who have realized exports in the minimum amount of HRK 1,000,000.00 in the year preceding the year in which the land purchase agreement was concluded are entitled to a 10% reduction in the price of building land.

2.5 Measure – purchase after using 1.1 measures with the reduction of the price of building land for investors relocating the company from a location in the City of Osijek to the Entrepreneurial Zone “IT Park”

Investors who relocate the company from a location in the City of Osijek to the Entrepreneurial Zone “IT Park” are entitled to a 10% reduction in the price of building land.

IT Park Osijek - Opis EU projekta



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